Welcome To Dog Study

Dog behavior is the internally coordinated responses of individuals or groups of domestic dogs to internal and external . It has been shaped by millennia of contact with humans and their lifestyles. As a result of this physical and social evolution, dogs, more than any other species, have acquired the ability to understand and communicate with humans, and they are uniquely attuned in these fellow mammals.Behavioral scientists have uncovered a wide range of social-cognitive abilities in the domestic dog.

Pets are like humans, you have to take care of them, feed them, and buy those necessary things and etc, so if you own a pet and like to save money on anything possible then shop online and you won't regret it. You will not even miss going to the store and with the money you save you can buy them even more stuff or simply spend it on yourself.

A dog provides unconditional love and friendship to a caring owner. A well-trained dog increases your pleasure and satisfaction ten times over, as compared to an untrained dog. Studies have shown that a well-trained dog is a happier and more content animal than one who is not. I have been training dogs for more than 25 years and my objective is always to have a pet that is happy and who I can control in any situation including coming in contact with children or other animals.

The Sit Command -

This is the most common and basic command to teach your dog and probably should be the first thing you teach him. Using a treat as a reward for good behavior works well for most training. You will need a leash attached to your dog's collar to hold him steady. Show your dog a treat that you have in your hand and hold it over his head causing him to look up, and then say "Sit". Sometimes, just by holding the treat over his head your dog will automatically sit.

The Lie Down Command -

Once your dog has mastered the sit command, you can progress to the "Lie Down" command. A treat is also used to accomplish this. First ask your dog to "Sit". Do not give him a treat for sitting. While he is in the sitting position you should have a treat in your hand and hold it in front of him, very close to the floor and say "Lie Down". If necessary place your other hand on your dogs shoulders and gently press down until your dog lies down or give him a gentle tug downward on his leash. Once your dog lies down, reward him immediately with a treat and say "Good Boy" in a happy voice and pet him vigorously showing him you are pleased with his response to your "Lie Down" command.

Stay Command -

The "Stay" command is a little more challenging than the Sit and Lie Down Commands. It is important to choose the appropriate time during the day to begin working with your dog on the "Stay" command. Knowing your own dog and recognizing when he is displaying a relaxed or mellow temperament is important. You do not want to begin this training when your dog is excited or overly playful. As with the previous training commands, it is useful to use a treat when teaching the "Stay" command. To start this training give your dog the sit or lie down command. Once he is sitting or lying down say "Stay" and hold your hand up as if you were signaling someone to stop. If the dog does not move for 4 or 5 seconds, give him a treat and say "Good Boy" and pet him.
